
Hype (short for “hyperbole”) is nothing more than useless exaggeration (though I suppose that “useless exaggeration” is redundant). Provide specific details, not clichéd statements or hackneyed words such as “awesome,” “stunning,” “spacious” or “breathtaking.”

Note the following Egregious Examples, from various real-estate developments whose names have been changed to protect the guilty. (My comments follow.)

The Tropic Palms community is truly nature in its undisturbed state. (Really!? Nature built those homes and condos?)

ACTIVE ADULTS GET EVERYTHING THEY WANT AT SABLE BAY! (I’ll bet they don’t. Please: Simply list the amenities that your community offers. Besides, using all capital letters is considered shouting. SO KNOCK IT OFF!!!!)

In the heart of it all is Club Sable, a sprawling 26,000-square-foot resort clubhouse that offers every amenity under the sun. (It does? Even female-roller-derby competitions?)